I want to eat pancakes and jump into a lake from the kitchen! So we did.
Everyone brought something different. We had eggs, bacon, pancakes, sausage and ice cold beverages.
This is a very mini trip report. I reached out to some folks midweek and we were able to get 8 or so trucks together to do some easy wheeling and hang out at Saguaro lake since there isn’t much else that sounds fun when it’s 110°F outside!
We met up fairly early and I took folks through a spot that was their first cross axle situation for a couple of them. Then we headed down to snag the peninsula. It’s a bit tougher to get to, but this is a very popular area so I wasn’t sure how lucky we’d get. There was a couple in a Tacoma that beat us by minutes. After seeing our group and trying to set up the kitchen on a steep angle they kindly offered the flat end spot to us. I happily offered them as much bacon and pancakes as they could handle.
We enjoyed the morning and the next thing we knew it was the afternoon so we all loaded up and got back whatever responsibilities we’d ditched. Great morning with great people.

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